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Kiralyudvar Tokaji Furmint Sec 2020

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Region: Hungary

Grapes: Furmint

Alcohl: 12%

Notes on the Producer

The Királyudvar Winery owns some of the most interesting vineyard properties in the Tokaj region of northeast Hungary. In 1997, Királyudvar purchased its original parcels totaling 10 hectares around the villages of Mád and Bodrogkeresztúr. Over the past decade, the company has continued to acquire and nurture additional vineyard properties throughout southern Tokaj.

Today, Királyudvar practices organic viticulture, cultivating 75 hectares of fields divided among six primary vineyards: Lapis, Henye, Percze, Becsek, Danczka and Nyulászó. From the unforgettable high terraces in Lapis to the grand-cru fields of Henye, these estate-owned properties are the source of the unique character and expression found in their handcrafted wines.