Region: Vermont
Grapes: Apples
Alcohol: 10%
Notes on the Wine
Ice Cider brings the essence of pure apple to a sophisticated dessert cider. Vermont’s natural winter cold is used to concentrate cider to the optimum balance of sweetness and acidity. Our unique blend of traditional and heirloom apples produces a complex, delicious flavor that complements food yet may be savored on its own. It takes over 8 lbs. of apples to make just one beautiful bottle.
Notes on the Producer
Eden Orchards and Eden Ice Cider began on a trip to Montreal in 2006 when we first tasted ice cider and wondered why nobody was making it on our side of the border. We had dreamed for years of working together on a farm in the Northeast Kingdom; it was a dream that had vauge outlines including an apple orchard, cider and fermentation of some sort. That night we looked at each other and knew ice cider was it.
In April 2007, we bought an abandoned dairy farm in West Charleston, Vermont and got to work.Since then we have planted over 1,000 apple trees, created 5 vintages of Eden Vermont Ice Ciders, and have introduced a new line ofOrleans Aperitif Ciders.
Our goals are to create healthy soils and trees in our own orchard, to support our Vermont apple orchard partners who do the same, to minimize our carbon footprint, to contribute to the economic and environmental health of our employees and our Northeast Kingdom community, and most of all to make world-class unique ciders that truly reflect our Vermont terroir.